
Analytical Maths Using Python for High School for Class 9 to10

Module 1: Introduction to Python and Programming Basics

  • Introduction to Python and its features
  • Installing Python and setting up the development environment
  • Basic programming concepts: variables, data types, operators, input/output

Module 2: Control Structures and Decision Making

  • Conditional statements (if, else, elif)
  • Looping constructs (for, while)
  • Break and continue statements
  • Logical operators

Module 3: Functions and Modules

  • Defining and using functions
  • Function arguments and return values
  • Scope and lifetime of variables
  • Introduction to modules and libraries

Module 4: Lists and Tuples

  • Introduction to lists and tuples
  • List indexing and slicing
  • List and tuple methods
  • Working with multidimensional lists

Module 5: Dictionaries and Sets

  • Introduction to dictionaries and sets
  • Dictionary methods and operations
  • Set methods and operations
  • Practical applications of dictionaries and sets

Module 6: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

  • String operations and methods
  • Formatting strings
  • Regular expressions and pattern matching
  • String manipulation exercises

Module 7: File Handling

  • Reading from and writing to files
  • File modes and handling exceptions
  • Text file processing
  • CSV file handling

Module 8: Numerical Computations and Libraries

  • Basic mathematical operations
  • Working with mathematical functions
  • Introduction to NumPy library
  • Performing numerical computations using NumPy

Module 9: Data Visualization

  • Introduction to data visualization
  • Plotting with Matplotlib library
  • Line plots, scatter plots, and bar graphs
  • Customizing plots and adding labels

Module 10: Introduction to Data Analysis

  • Introduction to data analysis
  • Working with pandas library
  • Reading and manipulating data with pandas
  • Basic data analysis operations

Module 11: Introduction to Algorithms and Problem Solving

  • Problem-solving strategies
  • Introduction to algorithms and pseudocode
  • Solving mathematical problems using Python
  • Implementing algorithms in Python

Module 12: Project Work and Practical Applications

  • Collaborative project work using Python
  • Applying Python programming skills to solve real-world problems
  • Presenting and demonstrating project outcomes

Note: The above modules are designed to align with the CBSE Math Syllabus and introduce students to Python programming. The order and duration of each module can be adjusted based on the specific requirements of the course. Additionally, periodic assessments, assignments, and hands-on coding exercises should be included to reinforce the learning and ensure students’ understanding.

US / Dubai / Singapore Price

$100 / month

Your Python/Math/Olympiad/Data Course

(For residents of India Only)


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Sourish Sarkar

Master of Science in QMS
Indian Statistical Institute Statistical Quality Control , Operation Research